
May 2024 Progresss update

June 18, 2024

It has been a long while since we’ve done one of these, let’s begin!

Before we start

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1000 Subscribers Event

June 13, 2024

The LEM YouTube channel now has 1000 subscribers! Thank you!

As a thanks, we are doing a Public Event this weekend! (June 15-16)

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April 2024 Progresss update

April 1, 2024

Welcome! You can probably tell that we’ve made some pretty big changes to the LEM project. No time to waste, lets get started!

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January 2024 Progresss update

February 18, 2024

Well, hasn’t it been a few busy months? We’ll talk more about that at the bottom though, lets get to it!

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Late Christmas Event

December 27, 2023

Merry (late) Christmas! We’re doing an event this weekend (December 30th to 31st)

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We have a new domain... again

December 8, 2023

Hello! You may or may not have noticed that the domain for this project is now and not, there’s a bit more of an explanation to this than you’d expect for this kind of change.

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October 2023 Progresss update

November 4, 2023

Welcome back! There’s been a lot that has changed since the last time we’ve posted one of these, lets get started!

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August 2023 Progresss update

September 10, 2023

Hello again! This month doesn’t have as many big changes as last month, but some exciting things are being worked on!

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LEMClientHelper is now on Modrinth!

August 9, 2023

LEM Client Helper, the enhancement mod for Legacy Edition Minigames is now available to download on Modrinth!

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July 2023 Progresss update

August 3, 2023

Introducing progress updates!

As a way to keep the community up to date on what is happening with LEM, we will now be doing progress updates every month covering what’s been going on over here!

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Where has LEM been?

May 31, 2023

Around a month and a half ago (as of writing this post), Legacy Edition Minigames suddenly went into a hiatus, what happened?

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Germany battle server now available

February 2, 2023

A new battle server located in Germany is now available!

The IP for this germany server is

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R26.4 Now Available!

December 22, 2022

A new resource version is now available!

R26.4 introduces a few new features, notably 1.19.3 support

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URGENT: PolyMC is Compromised

October 17, 2022

PolyMC’s maintainer has gone rogue and compromised the project, and there is a chance they will push malicous code via an update even if autoupdate is disabled.

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Introducing the LEM Blog

October 16, 2022

Welcome to the LEM blog page!

Updates about what is happening with LEM will be posted here! Things like new features, changes to existing features, improvements to the game, etc.. will be found here!

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LEM is not associated with Mojang Studios or 4J Studios.